The NNRT Company Car

The purchase of the first 'Company Car' was completed in 2003.  It was a Dacia Estate 5 seater, under 3 years old, and was available for use by NNRT members while on charity related visits in Romania.  It proved a vital component in our projects, providing us with our own dedicated transport.  Compared to British cars, it was basic, but it did the job, and was cheap to run


Unfortunately, the durability of the Dacia was limited, although it served us superbly over the years. During 2010 the cost to keep it roadworthy were proving unrealistic. Due to a mixture of the build quality, and poor state of the roads over the years, it fell into very poor condition.  A decision was made, that we would investigate the purchase of a new vehicle, as it had proved to be so valuable to us in many of our projects.

In July 2011, we final secured the purchased of a new car.  It is a fairly new Ford Focus Estate, 5 seater. We purchased it in Rasnov for the final price of 2930 Euros. It is in very good condition with full documentation. 

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We are very grateful for the significant contribution from Mike Cheskin and also to Paul Smith for his donation. This well maintained car should serve us for a long time.