1995 Visit Reports

This year, two teams made up the summer visits, and a  Spring survey visit was this year performed.  Again there was the usual mix of trade professionals, care assistants and willing amateurs.

The Team had set a financial goal to achieve this years projects which had been identified and formalised by the survey team.  But as each day drew nearer to the departure, it seemed our target was nigh on impossible.  But through determination and faith, we managed to raise the £16,000 required.

As per last year, the van decided it wanted centre stage.  A few days before departure it spluttered it's final fumes.  We now had a massive problem, but through charm and gentle persuasion we secured a replacement for the visit at a very reasonable cost.  Food, store, plumbing and building equipment was loaded on board.  Remembering last years experience, we ensured we were not overweight.

The first team went into action with a somewhat different regime, working 6am to midday, then 2pm to 7pm, which enabled them to prepare the excavations for the drainage at the school, and also allowed the team to get involved with both the patients and the children.    Much time was spent with the children and patients, giving stimulation and enjoyment with activities, games and sing songs.  It would have been nice to take them on a visit outside of the village, but the van was neither practical or safe for children.

The second team arrived, although delayed at immigration in Otepeni, however they eventually got to Mina.  A JCB was hired (after much negotiating) and the final digging around the school was completed.  Light work was made of the 80 metre long trench required to lay the pipe from the school to the mains.  As the pipe was laid and installed, the trench was manually back-filled, often with the valuable assistance of the children.  By the end of the visit, a monumental moment when the tap was turned on, and for the first time ever the school in Mina had running water.

Between the teams, the dental room was decorated as were the corridors and entrance lobby of the therapy unit.

Medicines - The procedures put in place last year are still working well.

Dental care - Progressing very slowly, although a room has been prepared in the hospital.  A dental chair is awaiting shipment from Liverpool.

The saga of the van continued, this time with ignition switch problems.  The Romanian equivalent of the 'AA' hot wired the system and it lasted the duration of the visit for both teams.  It packed up again on the return trip in Hungary, but some imaginative repairs eventually got it going and back to Cleveland.